Unposted Payments Tab
On the unposted payments tab, Cash Application users will find all payments that have yet to be synched with the ERP. Payments can be created manually or can come in from integration with bank accounts. Suggested matches are available on these payments so they can be matched with invoices.
Draft / Pending payment created in Tesorio appears on the Unposted Payments tab
Payment Header information (stored on payment and visible in Payment Drawer)
Drawer in the Unposted Payments Tab
Fields that can be edited while in draft/unposted
GL Account (Bank) used for payment creation
This is set based on the bank account the transactions come in from, since the bank account is already linked to a GL account.
User can change to ‘undeposited funds’. If the bank account is not mapped to a GL account, it defaults to undeposited funds
Customer Name
Payment Amount
Payment Date
Payment Number
From the bank file
Payment Method
Dropdown from ERP (optional)
Check #
Form field (optional)
Memo Field
Free form (optional)
Other Payment Fields
Configured by customer. Required or Optional. Mix of Native and Custom Fields
Fields that are calculated / cannot be edited
Unapplied Amount
Applied Amount
Tesorio Fields (won’t sync to ERP) Can be edited any time
Payment Tags
Customer Tags
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