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Zuora <> Tesorio Integration Setup
Updated over 5 months ago

Tesorio requires you to create a Zuora API user in your Zuora account. The following steps will provide you help in creating an API user in Zuora, checking your Invoice Settlement setting and then connecting this information to Tesorio to start your data import.

Step 1

If you have not already created an API User role, please follow the instructions from Zuora’s knowledge base on how to do so: Create an API User.

Permissions for the API User Role in Zuora

Step 2

In order to correctly import your Zuora data, we must know whether you have the Invoice Settlement feature enabled in your instance. The easiest way to check this is to navigate to Billing, and check to see if “Credit and Debit Memos” shows as an option undering Billings.

If “Credit and Debit Memos” is showing, you have Invoice Settlement enabled. If this option is not showing under Billing, then Invoice Settlement is disabled. You will need to specify this setting when setting up your Zuora integration in Tesorio in the next step, Step 3.

You can learn more about Zuora’s Invoice Settlement feature.

Step 3

On the Zuora Integration screen in Tesorio, enter your API user information, and specify whether Invoice Settlement is enabled or disabled. Click Connect to make the connection between your Zuora account and Tesorio. Once connected, your data import will start.

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