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All CollectionsRelease Announcements2025
2/4/25 Tesorio Release Announcement
2/4/25 Tesorio Release Announcement

Summary of new features, improvements, and bug fixes available in Tesorio beginning February 4, 2025

Updated over a month ago



The way workspace search functions with open drawer-level information has been updated. Suppose a User has a specific record drawer open but searches for something within the underlying workspace via the Search bar. In that case, the existing drawer will close to ensure only the filtered search results are displayed.

The Action Center has been updated to handle bulk actions better for task management. This also applies to multi-page handling.

Customer latest payment date has been added as a column in the Invoice workspace/download table.

Email Sent Date Range has been added as a filter to the Invoice & Customer workspaces. This addresses a common customer request and can help users understand precisely what invoices are being emailed by certain campaigns within specific date ranges when paired with other campaign filters.

Important: the Email Sent Date Range filter captures invoices that experienced emailing from both campaign and manual methods. It does not explicitly filter for campaign emails unless paired with other filters in the workspace (Campaign - Email status and/or Campaign as examples).

Tesorio Connect

The Export Pending Payments report, available via the Action button within the Customer Payments workspace, has been updated to provide a copy of the file generated to the Tesorio SFTP Service. Using this option will still generate an ad-hoc download. For more information on these features, please review these Help Center sections:


The Touch Activity widget has been updated to support Customer-level reporting. Previously, this was only supported for invoices.

Subsidiary logo handling

New options are available to handle the subsidiary logo. Users can select a subsidiary logo variable when creating an email template. This variable is available for both the Sender and Invoice options. In addition, there is now the ability to quickly generate a formatted URL for the logo via a copy button. Admins can enable this functionality by navigating to Administration > Subsidiaries > Portal Settings > Portal Appearance > Statement Logo.

It is important to note that when adding as a variable, the output for the user will be a hyperlinked URL. You'll need to use the Insert Image function to display a logo in an email.



  • An issue hiding previously assigned Tasks in the Action Center if the User assigned had been deactivated has been fixed. If a User is deactivated, previously assigned Tasks will become unassigned.


  • An issue has been resolved where some payments failed to be imported due to related invoices not being captured by the historical import process. These were manually synced once reported.

  • Additional work was done regarding Workday to resolve reported issues with incorrect balance information.


  • An issue preventing images contained within emails from displaying has been fixed. This was prevalent when exposing email thread history in the drawer view.

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