*Click on diagram to expand view
NetSuite Integration
This integration includes nine high-level integration points between Tesorio and NetSuite synced using SuiteTalk and Restlet with combination with SuiteQL.
The list below describes the integration points and also the order we request your data from NetSuite. Depending on the integration point Tesorio will either perform a "Daily Batch Pull" sync from NetSuite or a "Real-time Data Push" sync to NetSuite.
Each of the integration points below is also a link to the detailed NetSuite object. Tesorio does not save or display all the data points, only the relevant fields are displayed in Tesorio. Please note, NetSuite tables may contain fields for multiple areas and therefore some links below may be duplicated (e.g. Invoices & Invoice Payments).
To ensure data integrity, we only connect Tesorio to a single instance of NetSuite using customer credentials.
**Tesorio does not syncs in Accounts Payable data by default for every company.
Subsidiaries: One-way sync of Subsidiary records to Tesorio.
Chart of Accounts: One-way sync of Chart of Accounts to Tesorio.
Exchange Rates: One-way sync of NetSuite Exchange Rates to Tesorio.
Contacts: Real-time contact data pushed to Netsuite from Tesorio and One-Way sync of Contact data to Tesorio.
Accounts Receivable: One-way sync of Accounts Receivable records to Tesorio from the following NetSuite areas: Customers, Invoices, Customer Payments (transaction types Customer Payment and Deposit), Credit Memos and Sales Orders
Accounts Payable: One-way sync of Accounts Receivable records to Tesorio from the following NetSuite areas: Vendors, Bills & Vendor Payments
Notes: Real-time Notes data pushed to NetSuite from Tesorio and One-Way sync of Notes data to Tesorio for the following record types: Customer and Invoices, Vendors and Bills
Messages (Emails): Real-time Messages data pushed to NetSuite from Tesorio and One-Way sync of Message data to Tesorio for the following record types: Customer and Invoices, Vendors and Bills
Invoice PDFs: See more information below
Invoice Files: See more information below
Custom Field Support
Any custom field that exists in NetSuite can potentially be pulled via SuiteTalk or Restlet. Currently, Tesorio supports custom fields for Customer and Invoice record types.
You can see and enable your custom fields directly in Tesorio. See more details here.
Once a custom field is enabled, it can be seen and used across the product such as:
Adding the custom field as a column to the Invoices or Customers Workspaces
Ability to see the field in the Popover
Use as a campaign filter criteria
Custom fields on invoice and customer records which are of type 'Email' (NS_TYPE=EMAIL
) are imported over as contacts into Tesorio. A single custom field with multiple email addresses will come over as multiple contacts associated with that customer or invoice record. See more details here.
Tesorio does not support dynamic custom fields. If you have custom fields that automatically populate their values based on data from other fields, Tesorio may not display them correctly
Invoice PDFs
The invoice pdf version that Tesorio pulls is the Print Template set on the invoice form. It is the pdf version behind the native print option:
To check which invoice pdf form is being used in Tesorio:
Click edit on an invoice. You will see the invoice transaction form name in Custom Form:
2. You can find that form in the list at Customization => Forms => Transaction Forms:
3. Click edit and look for the setting on PRINT TEMPLATE
In this case the Advanced type is used and the template name is HM Invoice Form
4. If you want to see the script, navigate to Customization => Forms => Advanced PDF/HTML Template and search for template HM Invoice Form:
Tesorio is using SuiteScript to fetch Transaction PDFs, using the nlapiPrintRecord function.
❗Tesorio does not support custom pdfs.
If you have custom implementation, using a Suitelet script for example, to generate your
invoice pdfs, this version of your invoice pdfs will not be available in Tesorio.
Invoice Files
Tesorio supports attaching invoice files to email communications as long as these NetSuite files are present in the File Cabinet in NetSuite at the files are attached to an invoice. All files must have a valid extension included in the file's name. This feature is enabled on a case by case basis. Reach out to support@tesorio.com if you'd like this enabled.