Workday Integration
This integration includes five high-level integration points between Tesorio and Workday synced using the Workday Query Language (WQL) service in combination with SOAP API and REST API web service calls.
The list below describes the integration points between Workday and Tesorio. Depending on the integration point, Tesorio will either perform a scheduled or manually initiated "Daily Batch Pull" sync from Workday or a "Real-time Data Push" sync to Workday.
Each of the integration points below is also a link to the detailed Workday field level description Tesorio is syncing. Please note, Workday tables may contain fields for multiple areas and therefore some links below may be duplicated (e.g. Invoices & Invoice Payments).
To ensure data integrity, we only connect Tesorio to a single instance of Workday using customer credentials.
Workday Query Language (WQL) service in combination with REST API web service calls
Accounts Receivable: One-way sync of Accounts Receivable records to Tesorio from the following Workday areas:
Customer Invoices
Negative invoices are imported and shown in the Tesorio Invoices workspace
Invoice Adjustments - not imported by default. Contact your CSM if you'd like this enabled. Invoice Adjustments show in the Tesorio Invoices workspace
Customer Payments
Custom fields - Tesorio supports Workday calculated fields for customers and invoices. See more details here
Contacts: Bi-directional synchronization. Contact updates in Tesorio are pushed real time to Workday using the SOAP API. Workday contact updates sync into to Tesorio during the Batch Pull process via WQL
Available for the following record types: Customers and Customer Invoices
Notes: Bi-directional synchronization. Notes created or updated in Tesorio are pushed real time to Workday via the SOAP API. Workday notes updates sync into to Tesorio during the Batch Pull process via WQL
Available for the following record types: Customers and Customer Invoices
Invoice PDFs - Tesorio pulls invoice PDFs from your most recent print run.
Tesorio pulls the most recent invoice PDFs prints real time, no sync required.