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Bank fees/related payments
Updated over 2 months ago

.Users can create a related payment to capture a bank or other unposted (pre-ERP) payment fee. The payment must have at least one applied invoice with some remaining unapplied amount. Once the related payment is created, both records will be interlinked, referencing different GLs and other data as needed.


  • You can open the Applied Invoices tab within the payment drawer to record a fee using a related payment.

  • To the right of the "Applied" heading is a link titled "Add Bank Fees." Click this to open a form where you can create the related payment.

Add Bank Fee Form

  • By default, all required payment fields (determined by your company) are visible and populated by default.

  • Any of these field values can be changed as needed.

  • If any additional payment fields need to be populated when creating the new payment, the form can be expanded to show them by clicking the "Additional Fields" link.

  • The bottom of the form displays a list of all applied invoices. If just one invoice is applied, the fee amount will pre-populate.

  • When multiple invoices are applied, the fee amount is equally split among them. To exclude some invoices, uncheck them (on the left side of the row).

    • As invoices are unchecked, the fee amount will automatically recalculate based on the remaining invoices.

    • You can also manually enter specific amounts for each invoice if the fee won't be equally applied.

  • Upon clicking "Create Fee", the related payment will be generated in the background and you will return to the original payment. To view the related payment, click the Payment Info tab at the top of the payment drawer and scroll to the bottom. Look for the "Related Payments" heading.

  • The new record will be a "Payment" record related to the original payment record.

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