The following steps will lead you through the process of installing the Tesorio token bundle in NetSuite, and then connect to Tesorio to start your data import.
Step 1
First, ensure that the currency permissions are set up properly for import into Tesorio. This is needed even if you don’t have International needs.
In NetSuite, navigate to Setup → Company → Enable Features → International.
Go to the International Section and ensure that the “MULTIPLE CURRENCIES” option is checked.
Save any changes.
Step 2
Ensure the SOAP Web Services, REST Web Services and Token-Based Authentication Feature are enabled. Navigate again to Setup → Company → Enable Features. Find the tab bar at the top, click on the “SuiteCloud” tab and click to open or expand. In some instances of NetSuite, there may not be a tab bar but you may need to scroll down the page to find a SuiteCloud section.
Find the “SuiteTalk (Web Services)” section and ensure that the “SOAP WEB SERVICES” and “REST WEB SERVICES” options are checked.
Still within the “SuiteCloud” tab, find the “Manage Authentication” section and ensure that the “TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION” option is checked.
Save any changes.
Step 3
Switch to the “Analytics” tab, find the “SuiteAnalytics Workbook” section, and ensure that the “SUITEANALYTICS WORKBOOK” option is checked.
Step 4
Access the Search page by navigating to Customization → SuiteBundler → Search & Install Bundles.
Search for “Tesorio Bundle”. Click the option in the list that is listed as ““Bundle ID 180202, Version 1.11”.
Click “Install”, do not change the options on the screen.
In the Preview Bundle Install screen, press “Install Bundle” to start the process. Click “OK” if it asks you to confirm.
It may take a few minutes to install. The page you are redirected to, Installed Bundles, should list all bundles in your instance. The Tesorio Bundle will display a green checked status when it has completed installation.
Step 5
After the bundle installs, which can take a few minutes, edit the Tesorio Permissions Role to add access to all subsidiaries. Navigate to Setup → Users/Roles → Manage Roles.
Find the “Tesorio Permissions Role” and click Edit.
We advice that you select “All” under Accessible Subsidiaries. If you would like to send data to Tesorio only for certain subsidiaries, you can select only those subsidiaries that would like to sync into Tesorio.
If you have no subsidiaries, skip this step.
Ensure the “WEB SERVICES ONLY ROLE” is not checked. This role cannot have this enabled as it will prevent RESTlet connections.
Click on Permissions Tab → Lists in the tab bar. Ensure that “Currency” is appearing on the list.
If Currency does not appear, please add Currency by entering “Currency” in the Search, adding it, and changing access to View.
If you have SuiteTax enabled, on the Permissions Tab → Lists, please change the Tax Details Tab access to Full
Click the Save button.
Step 6
Apply the “Tesorio Permissions Role” to the user that will register with Tesorio. This can be any existing user, or you can create a dedicated user for the Tesorio integration.
Go to the employee record for this user by navigating to Lists → Employees → Employees.
Find the user in the list and click “Edit”.
NOTE: If a new user is required, go to the Employee list, click “New Employee” and then complete the required fields (and email) first.
Click on the Access tab.
Make sure that “Give Access” is checked. Add a password for a new user if required.
Add the “Tesorio Permissions Role”, and click “Add”.
Click “Save” to ensure all changes on the page are saved.
Step 7
Using the employee you just gave permissions to in Step 5, create a token by navigating to Setup → Users/Roles → Access Tokens → New.
From Application Name dropdown, select “Tesorio”, which is the application that was installed with the bundle.
From the User dropdown select the employee from Step 6,
From the Role dropdown select “Tesorio Permissions Role”.
The Token Name will be automatically generated as you fill out the other fields.
Click “Save”.
You will receive confirmation of the access token. Make note of the Token_id and Token_secret, as this information will need to be shared with Tesorio during the account registration process in the next step.
IMPORTANT: When you leave this page, you will not have access to this information again.
Additionally, you will need your NetSuite Account ID, which can be found by navigating to Setup → Integration → Web Services Preferences, and listed in the “Account ID” field.
NOTE: The “Account ID” for Sandbox environments must be entered using underscores and capital letters, not dashes and lowercase (Example: 12345_SB1).
Step 8 Connecting your NetSuite Account to your Tesorio Account
Once your Tesorio account is created by your Tesorio CSM, you will receive a welcome email with link to follow to create your user account and begin the set-up process in Tesorio:
On the NetSuite registration screen, enter the Token ID, Token Secret and your NetSuite Account ID provided in the above steps. Click Connect to make the connection between your NetSuite account and Tesorio. Once connected, your data import will start.
Note on Support of Dynamic Custom Fields
If you are using Custom Fields that are “Dynamic” or “Formulated” in NetSuite, we recommend following the instructions below to create custom fields that will convert any dynamic field to a static field that is stored as a “string”. This is in order to bypass the NetSuite calculation restriction and to ensure that the values from Dynamic Custom fields are properly reflected in Tesorio.
You only need to do this for “Dynamic” or “Formulated” custom fields on Customer, Credit Memos or Invoice objects.
Step 1: Create a Custom field for each Dynamic Field
Navigate to: Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Entity Fields > New
Step 2
Add a Label and select Free-Form Text as the type. Then, in the Source & Filtering tab, select the dynamic custom field’s LIST/RECORD in the Source List dropdown.
Finally in Source From the dropdown, select Name.
Step 3
Click “Save” and input this new custom field on your Customer or Invoice Header. You may make this field “hidden” on your form in NetSuite, Tesorio will still receive the information.